Boy Scouts of America Allowing Girls In- Do You Approve?

(image above from Boy Scouts of America Facebook post on October 11, 2017)

There is some serious debate about this, and we wonder what you think about the matter. Should the Boy Scouts of America let girls in? would like to hear from you and what you think. Here's what some are saying:

On October 11, 2017 the Boy Scouts of America released this statement:

Today, the Boy Scouts of America Board of Directors unanimously approved to welcome girls into its iconic Cub Scout program and to deliver a Scouting program for older girls that will enable them to advance and earn the highest rank of Eagle Scout. 

This was followed by mixed emotions, for example –

Boy SCOUTS let girls in

Boy SCOUTS Facebook post 3

Many are wondering if they should change their name. Don't hold back. What do you think about this?

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